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Old 04-07-2022, 02:17 PM   #772 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Both are only about power and control. Neither offers a solution to the problem unless the solution is spending more money, expansion of government, restrictions on rights.
Both have surprising commonality. You aren't allowed to question the narrative in either case, it's considered settled science by its followers and sycophants, both are followed blindly like a religion.
Reflecting on this comment a while longer caused me to consider that Big Govt has a responsibility to provide an environment in which 'We The People' are safe and secure in which to practice the pursuit of happiness.
What might appear to some as consolidation of power on the part of government, could simply be explained by a group of people with an extraordinary intelligence network, experts, with highly specialized knowledge, and operatives already funded to perform public service, performing public service according to their mandate.
And, as, no individual's rights may trespass on those of another, there needs to be a grownup around, who can discern the trespass, and step in to protect the innocent.
The 'right' of an American to vector a deadly virus to a neighbor is not recognized by the US Constitution or Bill of Rights.
No American has the Constitutional 'right' to use the atmosphere for a sewer. Or cook a planet.
Some Americans are functionally literate.
Some Americans are functionally numerate.
These are the folks who protect the powerless from the trespass of the more powerful.
I just personally experienced a taste of the Green New Deal'. It's the most profitable investment a capitalist nation could possibly make.
It kills a number of birds with the same stone.
In all metrics, it constitutes money for nothing.
Anyone of Libertarian stripe must admit that, the GND satisfies all conditions for John Galt's, Galt's Gulch, and it's immunity from energy supply or price volatility, and total reliance on renewable energy from atmospheric sources.
Check your premises!
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