Originally Posted by Vman455
Do you actually want to know if your modifications work, or not? Because every time I've suggested testing something on this and your other thread you've come back with excuses why you can't. You're not alone; this is unfortunately a common attitude (and I used to be the same way), but it's one that needs to change if you want to engage with the real world of aerodynamics and not "mathematics from fantasyland" (to borrow a phrase from my first- and second-semester calculus professor). It's why I wrote this piece a few days ago.
I’m asking for a better way to test. I can do tuft testing for side mirrors easily. But the whole wooden T bar thing like in Julian’s video only works if the two mirrors are the same weight. What I’m asking is how can I get around the inside weight difference? Even if the little thumb tab has more drag hypothetically, the wind in that specific test isn’t going to move back an item that weighs half a gram versus something that is 10 pounds for the full size mirror. You’re not factoring in weight. I’m sure some time of T bar that’s mountained to a super slick pole that’s mounted on a high grade ball bearing could possibly over come the weight difference and be more scientific. But the two mirrors on the stick thing isn’t going to work with such a massive weight difference. That’s why I’m asking if there’s a better test to do