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Old 05-02-2022, 12:23 PM   #28 (permalink)
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536-541 AD

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
18,000 yeara of stabile glaciers?
I call BS on that.
There's no way the glaciers didn't see massive growth in 536 through 541ad when the earth had 2 years of winter and a year without summer.
So right off the bat we know you lied.
1) I have no data for that time period.
2) The 'year without a summer' has been reported for the year 1815, during the maximum excursion of the 'Little Ice Age,' ( 1550-1850).
3) Climate skeptics have blamed the ' Little Ice Age' on the 'so-called 'Maunder- Minimum.'
4) The 'Little Ice Age' began 95-years BEFORE the Maunder-Minimum began.
5) Historic auroral records for the period demonstrate that there's no such thing as a 'Maunder-Minimum,' and that auroral activity ( solar activity ) was basically the same as it is today.
5) The 'year without a summer' has been attributed to the Fall, 1815, explosive eruption of Mount Tambora, Indonesia, which spewed enough sulfate aerosol into the stratosphere, to cool the entire planet by 2-F, for 2-years.
6) It was at this time that Mary Shelley wrote 'Frankenstein.'
7) The Tambora eruption was preceded by a 'Krakatoa-scale' eruption in 1695.
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