Here we go, listening to part 3 now...
I kept hope up that the series would get better, but they severely handicapped themselves by carefully limited the focus to;
"investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change. "
Ok, that's a boring topic with not much material. I could sum up the all 3 episodes in this sentence "Exxon invested tons of their own money to research global warming and alternative energy and found global warming is outside their sphere of responsibility and alternatives to not be viable in a free marketplace."
This surprises and alarms nobody.
There were many, many instances where they imply a problem that begs a quantified answer, but no facts were given. Methane bad, we got it. How much methane is the natural gas industry responsible for releasing? They didn't even begin to answer that, only imply it's really bad because an old lady with a camera sees stuff.
The show would often stray from the stated topic into global warming, but then clumsily pull itself back in.
It was somewhat entertaining and extremely low on information. I expect better from Frontline.
Last edited by redpoint5; 05-10-2022 at 05:52 PM..