Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I already tried it and fans barely move any air through the filter and merv13 is only rated to capture "oily smoke" and barely. A box fan moves almost no air through an actual smoke rated fiter.
The industry standard for merv13 is to capture less than 75% of 1 to 0.3 micron particles per pass. That doesn't describe a smoke capturing filter very well.
Works about like using a cloth mask to stop covid. It can be shown to work in useless tests designed to show a positive result.
Also people aren't supposed to run the air conditoner during poor air quality.
"only 75%" I don't know about you but I would certainly like to have 75% less particles in the air around me. A Merv 13 captures 90% of particles 1 - 3 microns. You are letting the best be the enemy of good.
Whether or not you should use HVAC during a wildfire event depends on the unit and whether or not it draws fresh air from outside the house or simply recirculates air inside of the house.