Not Doug
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Location: Show Low, AZ
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Another day, another board installed! I need to pick up the pace! :D
On Monday I made breakfast for everyone, trimmed our tree, sprayed some wasps, washed up, watered the lawn, continued trying to remove the residue from my Accord, washed dishes, and then started working on the shed.
Yesterday I tossed and turned all morning and didn't get out until after my 2 teleclients. My brother was supervising, so I had him help me move the second sheet into position and then hold it while I started attaching it to the wall.
Then the dimpler broke!
Harbor Freight sells them 2 for $1, but a name-brand one failed.
Did I want to waste time and money with Harbor Freight?
Well, they were already closed, and Home Depot sold 4 for $5.37.
Except I couldn't find them.
An employee asked if he could help and I told him that the site showed dimplers right in that section.
"Did you look on our site?"
No, you macaroon, I called your BBS!
I had started looking in the next section to see if the other brand had it. It took me far too long to pull up on my phone, but then I looked up and found the other brand's dimplers, 4 for $4.97.
He only slowed me down!
Then my brother had me buy an illuminated Exit sign, which apparently he wants me to put over our front door.
It's not battery-powered, is it?
I finished installing screws and looked at the last section. The stud is going the right way, except it is against the front, which I haven't insulated yet, because I want to put in a real door, and I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
I bought a doorknob and installation kit for the greenhouse, but I need to redo the door so that it is straight.
I could put a door knob into the shed doors. One side latches into the door frame.
There is a lip on the left side so, since I haven't fixed the latch yet, I prop a 2x4 against that side.
I wonder if that side has the slide bolts. If so then I can close it from the inside, just not as easily as I would like.
Anyway, in order to put in the third sheet of drywall I am going to screw in a 1x2 to the stud, clip the drywall clips to another 1x2, temporarily screw that to the first 1x2, and then screw in another 2x4 perpendicular to the first one.
This way the prongs are on the back and it is easier to spackle over them.
Then I finally do the ceiling, which is where you are supposed to start, but not only are the studs 24" on-center, but they only put in every other rafter!
I am going to screw 2x4s 16" OC to another 2x4, screw the 2x4 to the back wall, and then screw through the last rafter to the new boards.
Then stagger 16" OC rafters through the middle 2 sections before screwing them to another board, and screwing that to the front.
The ceiling has 3 angled sections, so that is unnecessarily complicated, and there is a gap between the boards I am putting in now and the ceiling, so I need to add a strip there.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
Last edited by Xist; 06-08-2022 at 12:02 PM..