Originally Posted by Talos Woten
By the way, we of course also need to know how much fuel economy improvement we get from each ecomod. So the figure of merit we want is something like:
+% FE / ($ Cost) * (Hr Complete)
and we'd want to do them in order of larger merit first.
The 65+ Vehicle Mods is already sensitive to this data. With a little extra legwork we could quantitatively order that page by which mods to focus on first, vs. which can be defrayed until later. All we'd need to do is add a Rating on it which was the figure of merit above, normalized from 0 to 10 or somesuch.
Variation between different vehicles will make it difficult to be very precise. But I like the idea.
Another thing to consider is how long you plan to own the car, and how long it'll take for a mod to pay itself off. If the break-even point isn't before you sell the car, it's not worth the effort.
I also refuse to do some popular mods, because the ROI just isn't there. For example, I won't build a boat-tail for my Prius, because it would take a significant amount of time and resources. I'd rather focus on cheap easy stuff that gets results.
That said, there are some people who do such things just for the joy of it. And I respect that. It's fun to watch someone build it. But I'll leave that to them.