Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Looked at all those 7.3 propane enriched claims years ago (2005). Diesel mileage went up, total mileage calculating adding the total quantity of both fuels went down. (Funny the enriched people hardly ever added the propane to their totals) Propane also has gotten crazy expensive. However, the Propane did improve emissions somewhat particularly reducing the soot particle quantity and size.
Hmmm you have me by .34mpg lifetime.
Funny, I haven't been driving my powerstroke that efficient, roughly half the trips are loaded, huge boost leak (broken exhaust up pipe bolts on the manifold on one side), had a massive vibration, was down to transfercase when I had a tire get a busted belt, ended up the other tire was bad for a long time too and I guess the rear tires were so out of balance it was causing the vibration, that was only fixed a few days ago. The things the truck has going for it mpg wise is 3.55 gearing and manual ZF5 trans and it only has just under 200k miles on it, think it's at 198k last I checked. I was going 55mph everywhere, about 60mph on the express way and most trips were 30+ mins long. No tuner or anything aftermarket on the truck besides a home built heavy metal C channel bumper that probably hurts areo more than it helps. Back when I first got the truck, I had a topper on it too, it does get better mpg with the topper by a fair bit, with out I'm seeing around 17-18mpg average unless I do more unloaded driving than I can see around 20.
I found the video I saw before. Guy covers a lot of other subjects and seems to know what he's talking about. I think the numbers he put on the chart are from dyno runs, so I wouldn't think they would be spoofed numbers. The Superchips DPI system is what I wanted to get, but I might have to build some home brew version. I only want very mild propane injection, just enough to get the mpg increase if one exists. A LOT of people are going after more power when installing those systems, so they are running 20-30% propane and pushing the limits. I've read 10% can get the effect and I would like to try more around 5%. No point in wasting propane if it doesn't need to. The chart is more mid to end of the vid.