I'm looking at the internet, under a search for high school level CFD.
The responses are basically saying that it's a graduate-level college thing.
If there's a reasonably-local university which teaches it, the Dean's office might share a phone contact with the grad student's advisor in the engineering college, who could turn you onto a way to navigate your data cloud into the CFD software, and the software itself, that would accept what your using.
Some CFD requires something like a separate Kappa-Epsilon turbulence model to introduce the Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer condition of viscous flow.
It doesn't have to be the full Navier-Stokes equation, but it's extremely high level calculus going on inside.
The CAD-CAM, Auto-Cad software creates the wire-frame of terrific resolution which generates the grid surfaces as solutions of the equations for the mesh of cells ( the Boeing 747 required 8,388,608 of them ) for all the time steps the algorithm will run each x,y, and z address through to resolve the features of the flow.
One wing investigated at Princeton University had 294,012 cells, simultaneously solving coupled nonlinear equations for 1,474,560 unknowns.
Whatever you end up with, it must be able to solve for adverse pressure gradient viscous separated flows, which, can, by conformal mapping, invert the data to solve for attached flow, basically 'tuning' the shape to that of desired pressure distribution. It's an automatic redesign function, if something were to rear its ugly head.
The 'power' of the CFD would only be constrained by computing capacity.
Multi-core, mini-supercomputers may be a lot more plentiful than we know.
Fun project! Always!