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Old 07-08-2022, 12:44 PM   #751 (permalink)
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I have subscribed to use SketchUp Pro - which is now required in order to export the Collada DAE file. What do you think is the best route to a CFD program from this?

Sincerely, Neil

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Old 07-08-2022, 12:56 PM   #752 (permalink)
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First result is for Blender, IDK how to get to CFD.

Fifth is Online mesh Converter

Eighth is Fetch CFD. ????
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Old 07-08-2022, 01:15 PM   #753 (permalink)
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Okay - thanks! Is Blender available for free, or only some paid use?

I think that I would like to be able to open the DAE file I made to see if it has "healed" the microscopic polygon leaks; and then go from there.
Sincerely, Neil

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Old 07-08-2022, 01:54 PM   #754 (permalink)
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blender.org - Home of the Blender project - Free and Open 3D Creation ...
Free and Open Source Blender is a public project hosted on blender.org, licensed as GNU GPL, owned by its contributors. For that reason Blender is Free and Open Source software, forever. Learn more Part of the industry Blender is a member of ASWF, Khronos, Linux Foundation and OIN.

Free & Open Source. Free to Use. Free to Share. Free to Change. Free to Sell
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Old 07-11-2022, 02:39 PM   #755 (permalink)
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I'm looking at the internet, under a search for high school level CFD.
The responses are basically saying that it's a graduate-level college thing.
If there's a reasonably-local university which teaches it, the Dean's office might share a phone contact with the grad student's advisor in the engineering college, who could turn you onto a way to navigate your data cloud into the CFD software, and the software itself, that would accept what your using.
Some CFD requires something like a separate Kappa-Epsilon turbulence model to introduce the Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer condition of viscous flow.
It doesn't have to be the full Navier-Stokes equation, but it's extremely high level calculus going on inside.
The CAD-CAM, Auto-Cad software creates the wire-frame of terrific resolution which generates the grid surfaces as solutions of the equations for the mesh of cells ( the Boeing 747 required 8,388,608 of them ) for all the time steps the algorithm will run each x,y, and z address through to resolve the features of the flow.
One wing investigated at Princeton University had 294,012 cells, simultaneously solving coupled nonlinear equations for 1,474,560 unknowns.
Whatever you end up with, it must be able to solve for adverse pressure gradient viscous separated flows, which, can, by conformal mapping, invert the data to solve for attached flow, basically 'tuning' the shape to that of desired pressure distribution. It's an automatic redesign function, if something were to rear its ugly head.
The 'power' of the CFD would only be constrained by computing capacity.
Multi-core, mini-supercomputers may be a lot more plentiful than we know.
Fun project! Always!
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Old 07-11-2022, 04:41 PM   #756 (permalink)
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NURBs modelling is resolution independent until it's mapped to those cells., or voxels.
The CAD-CAM, Auto-Cad software creates the wire-frame of terrific resolution which generates the grid surfaces as solutions of the equations for the mesh of cells ( the Boeing 747 required 8,388,608 of them ) for all the time steps the algorithm will run each x,y, and z address through to resolve the features of the flow.
One wing investigated at Princeton University had 294,012 cells, simultaneously solving coupled nonlinear equations for 1,474,560 unknowns.
The 'power' of the CFD would only be constrained by computing capacity.
Capacity isn't the whole story; there're also the algorithms. I like OpenVDB
https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 259288658_VDB_High-Resolution_Sparse_Volumes_with_Dynamic_Topology
VDB: High-Resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology
OpenVDB is a hierarchical data structure developed by Museth [11] of Dreamworks Animation. It is used for the efficient representation of sparse, time-varying volumetric data, discretized on a 3D...
Looking at awesomeopensource.com/projects/computational-fluid-dynamics?category... it appear the only project using OpenVDB hasn't progessed in 2 years.
Fluid Engine Openvdb ⭐ 2
Fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications, which is based on OpenVDB
most recent commit 2 years ago
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar --You can't say that is a coincidence.

Last edited by freebeard; 07-11-2022 at 04:50 PM..
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Old 07-11-2022, 05:06 PM   #757 (permalink)
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University CFD protocol

In the preamble to this research, they describe all the steps they took and what they used.
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Old 07-11-2022, 05:11 PM   #758 (permalink)
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I'm only halfway through Integrated AI - The sky is bigger than we imagine (mid-2022 AI retrospective)

So far, it sounds like Real Soon Now you can text an Artificial Intelligence and it will draw a picture of the optimal solution. Instead of AI copying humans, the humans are copying the AI. They had one read the early papers and it told them where they'd gone wrong.

An Open Source implementation of GTP-3 was trained on 100 languages, not just English. See where this is going?
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Old 07-11-2022, 05:11 PM   #759 (permalink)
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The algorithms would be incorporated into CFD itself.
They use math dating to the 18th-century, and everything in between.
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Old 07-11-2022, 06:03 PM   #760 (permalink)
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Today, 01:11 PM


Fast Fourier Transforms still are used, but data is like herding cats. Techniques have evolved. Adversarial Generative AI and Transformers, whatever they are.

https://www.techtarget.com › searchenterpriseai › feature › Transformer-neural-networks-are-shaking-up-AI
Transformer neural networks are shaking up AI - TechTarget
5 Apr 2021The adversarial part would not be about testing whether the generated output looks like a real person, but whether a new bridge design would support the desired load at the right cost. "This concept applies to many different design disciplines, and transformers have the ability to dramatically accelerate the movement toward generative AI," he said.

Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar --You can't say that is a coincidence.
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