Initial thought is I don't like it.
Any second thought?
Firstly they don't use a VAWT. Imagine trying to exert force at arms length
vs close held.
Putting the weight internal to a FLIP hull was my extrapolation. A sea-going installation would have a minimum [IMHO] of six positioning anchor cables (displacement plus torque). one guide cable for the operative mass, and one or more lift cables to transfer power. It might need two, one to lift and another to feed the generator.
And those HAWTs? They need a need a wickrerbill , or whatever they call those ribs on the noses of velomobiles, that is a blown Coanda nozzle on both sides. This would protect the leading edge, but would be localized enough to
not reduce the overall efficiency of the blade. Prove me wrong.
I am totally intrigued by this. It looks like the ultimate weekend getaway/bolthole.
edit:[vBulletin spel chek is baroke]