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Old 07-29-2022, 01:03 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
He's coming aroud to my attitude about the next Mexican-American War. Remember 'the Halls of Montezuma'?
A certain gameshow host was not incorrect when he crassly stated the plainly obvious to anyone without severe brain damage; that some countries are better than others (or as he put it, some are much worse). Further, countries are defined by their area of authority, which means their rule of law applies to that geography, and it must be enforced.

Not to compare Mexican corruption with US, but while they've got catastrophic corruption with cartels, we've got very serious problems with corporatism.

If we handle our problems appropriately, it might force Mexico to contend with theirs too.

The only thing I know about the Halls of Montezuma is that it's in the Marine Corps anthem.

Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
multirotor electric ultralight qualify? Coming soon to a rich neighborhood near you
Maybe. I still prefer helicopter due to the efficiency, and autorotation if the power source drops out. Still don't get why everyone is dinking around with tons of motors when one could just build an electric helicopter without having to reengineer everything.

Cost should come down once things are mass produced.
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