Not sure if I ever mentioned it or not, but I made a poor-mans' shock absorber for the motor end mount, and I installed the big ammeter and voltmeter in the dashboard where the radio was.
That looks much more "normal" without the giant meters duct-taped to the dashboard.
My "custom" motor end mount is just a turn-buckle with an eye-bolt on each end. I figured that way, I adjust the length or tension between the motor and the frame of the car.
The top eye-bolt is bent over far enough to angle into where the original engine mount was, and simple has the engine mount's bolt go through the eye of the eye bolt. This was a lot simpler than trying to manufacture or weld something between the engine mount and the motor.
The problem was that there was still a little space between the bolt and the eye-bolt's eye, so I still got the "ka-lunk" everytime I accelerated from a dead stop.
I finally resolved that by making a rubber spacer. I took some rubber hose, slit it, and put it around the diameter of the cross bolt, then put that whole thing through the eye-bolt. It fit almost perfectly! Now there's some rubber in there and no more "ka-lunk" sound!
I promise to post some photos of the the eye-bolt and mounted meters soon.
EDIT: This one isn't very good, but at least you can see where the meters are and about how they look.