Originally Posted by seuadr
yeah, i'm finding that. i was hoping that having a big 10 university email and hinting that i might be doing research persuade them to discuss, but no bueno so far.
I worked in the auto industry since the mid-90's and work at an automaker today. Nobody has time to deal with college students right now. Supply line issues make every day a challenge and we are still trying to dig out from 2020.
Ahh - random points from a picture. That makes sense now but those terms aren't anywhere near standard in the industry.
Originally Posted by seuadr
i'm actually thinking of the same basic idea - trying to find a suitable donor.
I was really looking for something like a Trans Van, but so far they've all been in pretty poor shape so i think it is time to abandon that idea.
As I would expect for a 50 year old vehicle - especially one that lived anywhere near Michigan. (I grew up in Saginaw and most of my family still lives in Michigan)
Originally Posted by seuadr
it sounds like you might not have to have any kind of manual interface - a lot of parallel systems seem to just "do their thing" with a throttle input that it sounds like can be captured from the OBD2 port. then it could be full time electric assist - ala honda insight integrated motor assist.
Sure you can - if you can code it. It is also a bit more complicated than picking up the signal from the accelerator. You also need safety interlocks to keep the electric motor for activating when you don't want it to and a program to tie it to battery state of charge to keep from draining the battery too much or overcharging it. It can be done but I'm a middle aged Mechanical Engineer that got a C- in Controls decades ago.
Originally Posted by seuadr
been trying to get ahold of them too
To buy one of their conversations? That shouldn't be an issue although they cater to fleets. As a college student to pick their brains - not a chance.