Originally Posted by Ecky
Take anything you find there with a grain of salt.
Anyone can write a bunch of probable-sounding gobbledegook and pay to have it published there - and they do.
Ok; so where would you recommend I find Peer reviewed, published papers?
And how would one go about deciding on the trustworthiness of the people and institution who published the paper?
Also; who funded the research? As it seems to me that with a big enough grant anyone will say anything and people will believe it.
Then there's also the issue of:
one man's gobbeldygook being another man's 'simple and logical'
depending on intelligence and education.
For eg: It's simple for anyone to simply declare a paper gobbledegook without any argument as to why they deem it so...
There are also a number of reasons why the above may not have worked for everyone.
For example the shielding effect of ferrous metals on magnetic fields.
ie: You arrange a magnetic field on a steel fuel pipe correctly, but said pipe shields the fuel within from it.
Don't get me wrong; I nave no idea if the paper has merit or not.
All I know is that there are a good number of similar papers and I find it difficult to imagine all these people to be lying for no particular reason.
Can you think of one?
It's not like anyone has a sole distributorship on magnets.