So, the channel is imploding?
Grant ran the show by himself for several years, hired Nate, and once Nate helped him make the world's second-largest super soaker Grant, according to Nate, said "Hey, I quit."
"Do you want me to take over?"
"Oh. Okay. Starting now."
"No! We need to transition so the viewers become accustomed to me!"
"Well, I guess!"
Then once Nate got going Grant focused on twiddling his thumbs and toes.
They hired Cali.
Grant died, but he wasn't involved anymore.
After the pandemic started their long rise finally turned. They kept changing things and continued to lose.
Then, as you already know, Mrs. Random fired Cali, and then Nate, who has a knife-making channel now.
Nate has a long, random, and seemingly unscripted video narrating all of this. He mentioned these videos as awesome ones they did trying to stop hemorrhaging money:
That last one was weird. It was like they were trying to save their careers by being funny. There were a number of comments saying it was cringy, but in a good way.
Also, it seemed like a Flex Seal ad, although the channel denied it.
They had the Flex Seal guy in it.
YouTube says I haven't watched one of their videos in over two years.
At one point they started, then closed, a second channel.
Ah, death throes.
Is the Ecomodcoin still a year away?!