I have too much of a struggle getting inanimate objects to cooperate!
Oh my plans and schemes!
First I thought I could remove the rest of the weeds, see my teleclient, and mow both lawns.
Then I missed my session and just hoped to weed and mow most of the back lawn and the front lawn.
Then it started raining before I finished mowing the part that I weeded.
I never had a chance to start on the front.
Yesterday was Mom's anniversary and she wanted barbecue chicken. I am an Eagle Scout and used to make great fires.
The firefighters always said that I made the best fires!
I swear there is some saying about a craftsman blaming his tools, but clearly I need new matches. Most didn't light. Many broke. A few did light, but still broke.
Flying flaming matchheads are interesting.
I lit the matches as close to the newspaper as possible, but the newspaper wouldn't light.
I used some firestarters, which had always worked before, but wouldn't light.
I forgot everything that I learned making my
charcoal chimney.
I had the same matches and the same problem with them.
I don't know where the stand is. I thought that I could set it on charcoal, so they would be started when the briquettes in the chimney was ready, but those aren't stable.
I put bricks in there--not fire bricks, but that should be fine.
However, I clearly needed to put in the bricks before the charcoal.
I used my 18" needlenose pliers to remove the bricks with difficulty.
By the time that I had a decent fire going Mom had finished cooking inside. I closed the vent, but most of the charcoal was used up, although I have another bag.
I am going to try again right now, with some tiny camping matches.
How far away should I prime and paint my oil pan?