Originally Posted by JSH
There are 100% renewable grids - most of them are on islands. It wouldn't surprise me if Hawaii was the first US state with a 100% renewable grid.
That underscores my point, that Hawaii should have the cheapest electricity in the US, not the most expensive.
I don't doubt it will happen eventually (or nuclear will displace it all), but current claims of solar being cheaper are ignorance at best, or outright lies by certain corrupt ideologues at worst. My default is to assume ignorance in the absence of proof of maleficence.
Should we be following inept people, or corrupt people?
As an aside, I have a lot of respect for those who understand the implications of their ideology and accept the tradeoffs it entails even if I don't agree with their value structure. What I have contempt for are those who knowingly abide in lies in service to their ideology. They are slaves to idiocy.