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Old 09-10-2022, 08:32 PM   #31 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Well, freebeard isn't all bad, at least I get to listen to Buddy Holly while trying to make sense of his posts.

freebeard, why don't you always post a different good music videos?

What do I not pay you for?!

I don't know that I had ever bought cheap white bread until I was trying to keep a particularly picky Alaskan alive.

If it was the adult I wouldn't have cared, but you aren't allowed to allow kids to die, even if they are particularly picky.

"Hey, what do you want for breakfast?!"
"What kind of eggs?"
So, I made eggs for her the way that I made them for my brother.
She refused to touch them.
Only then did did the mother say she only ate over-easy eggs.
What is wrong with them?!

Oh well. Someone else's problem.

Do you know who isn't anyone's problem?

The 8-year-old who was more responsible, intelligent, and mature than her mother.

Is it weird to miss a kid, but not the mother?

I am sure that you hadn't missed hearing about the mother.

By the way, I am sure that millennials will call other millennials boomers if they don't like them.

The qualification isn't age, its not fitting to whatever qualification the dang whipper snapper is applying at that moment.

"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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