JR sold his shops and is buying a new one.
He says that he turned a profit, but won't give information.
I am on my second video about it and all that he has said is that he won't give much information until everything is official, but it sounds like this place is 70 acres, 10 minutes from his current place, 2 minutes from his friend's new place, and has an old house and 5 old buildings.
He is selling his house, too.
He compared himself to Samcrack and joked about raising chickens and using stop leak.
I enjoyed some Samcrack videos, but there is altogether too much stop leak.
I stopped the second video less than halfway through because I have altogether too much to do today!
Is it dark yet? I need sunlight!
[I only watched this video because Mom was watching football]
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4