Since nobody liked the previous diagram, I used

Like, you were traveling straight and the other person was stopped at a cross street, and proceeded across your lane?
Pretty much.
I had just turned from a stop, so I was still accelerating to 25. I doubt that he went that fast around the corner, but this accident hurt.
The last one didn't.
This time my crumple zone crumpled like it had already been crumpled.
The replacement hood is damaged much more than the previous.
The hood stabbed the windshield, which has multiple cracks.
The radiator is pushed in significantly more than before.
There is no pulling the radiator core supports back.
The brand-new radiator is leaking.
I don't think that happened the first time, I think that happened after driving down a dirt road without splash shields.
I will update my previous message to include the vehicle tried to turn left.
I expect to have bruises and wake up sore in the morning. The side of my knee is starting to swell.
I was shaking as I asked to reschedule my appointment, but he was shaking much worse than I was, and for much longer.
I just asked:
His bosses came out and one said "I can't guarantee anything, but you'll probably be okay."
He apologized multiple times and we shook hands at the end.