Originally Posted by freebeard
The calculation is a tough nut to crack, but the hammer keeps getting bigger.
Yes, it's truly one of those 'tyranny of numbers' scenarios:
1) a Boeing 747 wing was assigned 512 intervals wrapping around the wing profile.
2) 64 intervals in the normal direction.
3) 256 intervals spanwise.
4) creating 8,388,608-cells.
5) the operations for the Euler simulation can run 5,000/ time step.
6) the Reynolds number, at it's 9/4 exponent determines the total number of calculations for a single iteration ( configuration ), 5,623,413,252,000,000-calculations.
7) From there, it's a matter of the computer's capacity. A real numbers-crunching fest!
8) The Sim Works 'free' software 'computer' would take 18,744,400-hours, 78,100-days, 213.9-years.