I couldn't swat the terrorists because I don't know a single first or last name of any of them. How'd I go about figuring that out back when the internet sucked? Back then I would type in walmart.com and it wasn't a valid URL, and I'd think to myself that they are profoundly dumb for not at least securing the rights to that domain.
I'd need a private investigator to supply the information I needed, and that would take money. That means I'd need to take the $2k I had saved up working in high school and make some very aggressive bets.
Keeping Star Wars from decomposing is a worthy cause. Just to pile on, I don't know why George thought it necessary to add in stupid CGI. A great movie needs passable special effects, but that's not what makes it great. There's tons of stunning and horrible movies. GL was a sellout from the get-go, but that doesn't take away from the passion he poured into his original great ideas. What a shame Disney has brought onto the franchise by turning Luke into a Soyboy (or whatever that green testosterone suppressing milk was). Everything they touch now is crap. A few morons pretend to like their content, as if suffering through woke church is sufficient penance for the long-dead misdeeds of folks that aren't related to you.
Regarding medicine, I have at least a dozen "ideas" that aren't even ideas. They are just leveraging normal tools that every industry utilizes that isn't captured by a regulatory body that has an incentive to maintain the power structure by not adopting old proven tools. These tools are things like analytics, sending information utilizing a technology more advanced than a fax machine, machine learning, transparent pricing structure, tiers of service... basically every aspect of medicine seems like it was invented by my grandpa, or great grandpa. It's unsurprising that non-evidence-based medicine like homeopathy has a strong foothold when so-called evidence-based medicine is run by elitist troglodytes.
Last edited by redpoint5; 10-06-2022 at 03:28 AM..