Originally Posted by freebeard
It's like reading tea leaves.
I'd speculate that there is a separation bubble at 10 o'clock (relative to axle center). It's smaller down toward 8 o'clock.
The longitudinal flow across the top generates a vortex that is drawn downward at two o'clock.
The road spray angles upward because water has more momentum than air.
*They need to fix the spell checker.
I wonder what’s causing the separation bubble. I figured the air would be nicely attached coming across both doors. Especially with no side mirror and air curtains. I definitely need to add a fender flare or separation edge at the bottom rear of the bumper. You can see where it slightly wraps around the curve going towards the bumper. A few inches of air flow wrapping around the back versus separating has what affect on drag? Now that’s the tough question. I don’t even know if a difference could be measured with such a small change like that. I know “ every bit adds up” though