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Old 10-11-2022, 03:02 PM   #46 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
Have some gold $20dollar eagles because they are untaxed at redemption, don't need id, so whomever is the manager of the estate has a not impoundable cash probate fund. Don't care what they return, or if they make a profit /loss but they did double since I bought them.

Why is freebeard looking to hoard specie? My gold dealer does a time payment plan, suspect others do also.
Taxes shouldn't be an issue unless you have an estate worth more than $5.5 million (double that if you are married)

Gold coins or a pile of cash - it doesn't matter which - it is illegal for the executer of your estate to touch that money until the estate is settled. My parents just went through this when my aunt passed earlier this year. My father had power of attorney and access to all my aunt's accounts right up until the second she passed - then they were locked. My parents ended up paying funeral costs and costs to settle the estate out of pocket which took 4 months.

The estate attorney said this was pretty common and recommend putting the executer of the estate as a joint owner on a bank account. The money in that account passes to the executer outside of the estate upon death. (Legally it is their money before death but I doubt most people worry about the executer of their estate stealing from them). My parents and my in-laws have done that so we should be set when the time comes.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
There is the problem that the most fungible calibers are of no use to me. I'd expect those to be 9mm and 5.56x45.

I'm invested in 22 rimfire and 5.7x28.
What is 22LR selling for these days? I haven't payed attention for a few years but for awhile it was selling for crazy amounts. I have about 5,000 rounds to liquidate as we get ready to go mobile.
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