Originally Posted by Piotrsko
We are a semi corporation, just the officers change on any incapacitation so there's not an estate, no probate. Neighbor next door died, same process same lawyer. It was easy and smooth but not effortless.
Duly noted about another bank account in executors name.
Yes, a separate account that is set up for that purpose. I forget that lots of people only have one savings and one checking account and many don't have a bank account at all.
My parents were out of pocket about $11K for a basic funeral and another $10K for expenses between my aunts death and the estate settling. (Utilities on the house, repairs to get it ready to sell, etc)
After a series of deaths on both sides of the family both my parents and in-laws are done with the death industrial complex. They don't want a funeral, just the cheapest cremation and a small family get-together. My mother-in-law doesn't even want a death notice. She says the people that need to know she died will know.