Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Duly noted about another bank account in executors name.
When the person dies half of the value of that account will belong to the estate and half to the cosigned individual, for tax purposes. Said individual will owe state inheritance tax (check your state) on the half assigned to them. We did this with my mother. When she passed the entire account balance was still available to me.
Originally Posted by JSH
My parents were out of pocket about $11K for a basic funeral and another $10K for expenses between my aunts death and the estate settling. (Utilities on the house, repairs to get it ready to sell, etc)
They should have been able to bill the estate for legitimate expenses.
My mother-in-law doesn't even want a death notice. She says the people that need to know she died will know.
There are legal requirements regarding notification of death. It's cute to not want to tell anyone, but probably illegal.