Originally Posted by EcoCivic
Just loaded your 93 octane non lean burn tune and for some reason it doesn't work at all with my K24. The idle is really rough and lopey when cold, it refuses to idle when warm, doesn't want to restart when it dies out, and generally ran bad enough that I had to pull over and reload the base map. It seemed to possibly be running rich, I got a lot of white/grey smoke and it was somewhat hard to start when I reloaded the base map like it was flooded.
I'm still confused by why your tune wouldn't work for my engine since I have an almost identical setup. The only thing I can think of is maybe your fuel pressure was way different than mine. What fuel system do you have and what fuel pressure are you running?
Fuel pressure is a good bet. It's tuned for around 50psi. If you wanted to do a 5-10 minute drive with logging running and send it to me, I'd be happy to push some tweaks and we can see how it does.