Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Soil moisture survey.
Funny how those 1,200 year droughts work.
I know new Mexico can handle getting a little bit wetter a lot better than Texas can handle getting a little bit dryer.
In new Mexico when it don't rain 9 months no one's surprised, it's only more than an inconvenience if someone never prepared.
No rain for 9 months in Texas they act like it's the end of the world, people who don't go to church go to church, people who were going church has start involving snakes and rolling on the floor, people who where doing that before start cutting deals with the devil. Devil worshippers turn to Jesus.
See the 2022 the Texas cattel market implosion, the lines to sell livestock at auction were miles long, no one's ever seen anything like it. All be case they barely got any rain, didn't have any hay and didn't have a backup plan.
Well I guess everyone has the same backup plan, sell the cattle.
There is no back-up plan for failed pasture and empty stock tanks.
One Australian cattle rancher interviewed during one of their droughts was paying $36,000/ month to import feed.
Some Mid-West poultry and cattle ranchers are spending $ millions to erect structures to protect their stock from the heat.
Have you seen Utah's 'not-so-great Salt Lake recently?