Originally Posted by Yippeekyaa
On my run i used a 2017 4th generation prius. As the gen5 is not out yet i fail to understand what you are implying. So you managed to get 33mpg at 115 for a few minutes. For a few minutes is not the same as 33 hours at those speeds. The spreadsheet my virtual team kept shows the average speed per hour on my run. The highest was 97mph. There were a total of 14 hours where the average per hour was over 90. The lowest was 57 for the last hour in California. I can assure you that multiple hours at 115 will not bring a 33mpg result in any hybrid car.
Maybe not 33 at longer intervals, but still would be higher than 20 or numbers you were getting since the Ioniq already has a much higher base fuel economy on the highway, then I have no side mirrors and wheel skirts and pretty good eco hubcaps