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Old 11-04-2022, 06:22 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Over thr years we have had several people say "I'll get one to work and show you how" and we never hear back from them. I like to think they died in an hho explosion.
... lol!
Ye it dosent work.
But fun to think about and tinker with.
And most importantly; fun and easy to do at home, much like pizza pan covers and chloroplast etc aero enhancements.
So, for that reason, it's not going away and shows 'spirit'.

(Perhaps thats why so many engineering students are doing thesis on the subject)

And if people are going to try anyway; then building the system as efficiently as possible is part of the fun, hence my thoughts/ideas above.

I assume you read the OP's 1st post where he talks about producing a beneficial amount of HHO with a home charged battery rather than the car's alternator as a simple means of turning any car into a plug in hybrid??
Then researched the benefit to weight ratios and power costs before coming here to take your usual dump..?

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