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Old 11-14-2022, 05:11 PM   #845 (permalink)
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Simon's good on camera, and quite the showman, but he ate 15-minutes to provide very little science fact.
From the books I've read on Tesla, and broadcasts, we know that Tesla completely 'failed' at his most ambitious projects.
I have no confidence that he ever succeeded in a death ray, or that anyone paid him anything associated with such a technology.
I do believe that 'radar' was important, and the Roswell incident, for example, had all to do with radar, and nothing to do with extraterrestrials.
The UK gave the USA all their radar cavity-magnetron and other radar-related technology at the end of WW-II.
When we began to put in 'on' aircraft ( literally ), this is when little green men entered the arena.
I know a guy, Roger ( he comes into the store here ) who flew the electronic Jamming and other countermeasures stuff in the Air Force. He's described enough about the flight instability of airborne systems that I've convinced myself that we need to look at the likes of Westinghouse, and fiberglass manufacturers to explain the cover stories about desert 'UFO secrets', and probably whatever happened in that English forest in the next video.
The people who actually 'know' things are required to take it all to the grave. It's the price we pay for freedom.
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