Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
I was reading that Toyota is recomending Premium fuel in the new Prius ??!
It also uses 19" wheels ??!
I hope those aren't true.
The 57 mpg is "manufacture-estimated." The EPA's numbers are 54 city/50 hwy/52 comb. estimates for the regular FWD ones and 51 city/47 hwy/49 comb. estimates the AWD versions. Not sure of the Prime version.
Yeah, hopefully 19" is an option and not standard. Ridiculous how big wheels are getting.
Premium is basically never required nowadays. The engine will retard to protect itself.
Anything over 40 MPG is gravy. There's no need for manufacturers to create a science experiment that gets 80 MPG or something. Diminishing returns means going from 20 MPG to 40 is a bigger deal than going from 40 MPG to 80, even though both represent a doubling in efficiency.