I was only able to sleep 4 hours and it is 13°F, but my brother hadn't gotten up and laid on the couch yet, so I figured that I could work on my car without bothering him.
He just got up and laid on the couch.
I need to:
- Find the Hondabond and leave it somewhere warm.
- Clean the oil out of the spark plug wells. Finally replace the spark plugs when I change the oil if they stay clean?
- Remove the PCV hose.
- Wipe off the valve cover. Is foot powder bad for an engine?

- Buy some $2 airbrush cleaning brushes from Harbor Freight and clean out the gasketmaker in one of the bolt holes.
- Call Hatch Toyota at 08 and see if they have a PCV valve. If not, see the orally men.
- Go over the mating surface again to ensure it is clean.
- Check the valve cover and head for cracks. I keep reading about cracks in the metal causing leaks!
- Apply Hondabond by the timing chain.
- Install the new gasket and tighten the fasteners with some realistic criss-cross applesauce action. What do you think of this? Don't care?

- Torque to 8 foot-pounds.
- Set the oil pan heater on the valve cover with a fire brick on top and check the temperatures over 2 hours.
- Reinstall the coils and wires.