Originally Posted by JSH
Same reason the Model X has stupid gull wing doors. They were designed in California by people that don't see snow.
Attached air flow does nothing at 15 - 20 mph when snow is coming down and it certainly doesn't clear off fine red dust from the lava rock used on our roads instead of salt.
I took the rear wiper off my 2005 Prius when I lived in Alabama. It stayed off for the first summer and then went back on for winter.
you know i live in portland too? im at mount hood luterally twice a week every week. never had a single issue with lava rock dust or snow on the rear of my ioniq ever on powder days. i only have to hand wipe it off in the parking lot. or sometimes i just use the back up camera and then drive and by the time im down tp govy, the whole rear windscreen is cleared... again, high pressure attached airflow cleans it right off here in the PNW