Clickbait title!
Nothing about geodesics.
I prefer 1 1/8th" Cyclone Fence top rail to EMT tubing.
I don't use a saw since I got a pipe cutter. It leaves a finished edge.
?t=519 he's hand drilling a piece of pipe freehand 4ft off the ground and he has a bright idea to print a jig. At
?t=597 one can see a drill press n the background.
The clips he 3D printed could be fabbed by cutting lengths of PVC pipe and slotting them into a C-profile, then connecting them with super glue/baking soda fillets.
With that out of the way:
The problem with geodesics is that the number of hubs goes up geometrically with higher frequency (rounder). Lots of printing, should you choose.
Here's a page of 3D printable geodesic hubs:
Most likely: