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Old 04-25-2023, 09:07 PM   #110 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I'm very tired of racists enacting racism in the US. They are few, but they are noisy and influential.
Unfortunately, it's not just there. Even in countries such as Brazil, where people of different races tend to get along well, nowadays I see identitarian BS more often.

We should be solving problems for people, but instead we're falling into a racist trap and wasting everyone's time to solve no problems for anybody (actually creating more problems). There are commonalities of every measure of success (and failure) that applies across all races. Any attempt to address a failure at the level of race is, by definition, racist. We should be considering solutions that address the shared areas of success/failure, but instead we like to waste our time feeling good instead of acting out goodness.
Unfortunately, many folks nowadays reject common-sense, and embrace some random woke/SJW bandwagon to pretend they "care" for any shallow "cause". And it goes beyond racial and other identitarian labels. Just look at the way some random self-proclaimed "environmentalists" exagerate claims about eventual downsides of some energy policy, in order to promote the EV agenda among other techs which are far from being the one-size-fits-all solution they point it out as if it was.
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