I think that is a good description, but Windows can still be unnecessarily frustrating.
In particular it annoys me that Windows wakes up when it wants to, no matter how many different ways I tell it to not to, and the same with resetting for updates.
Atlas doesn't even have updates!
Remember when you could hit [win]+an arrow and Windows sent that window to that half of the screen?
To quote The Tick, right before he inhaled his mucus clone: "I didn't want to do this. I really didn't want to do this!"
[it didn't do anything]
Let's try the other way!
Win+Left moved my window to the right half of the screen, but usually I need to do that twice.
The first time it doesn't quite line up right.
Why doesn't it line up right?!
I love it when I set up the two windows I am using on my screen and once I have the second one set up right Windows realizes that I am arranging windows and shows everything that I have running.
What do you want on top of this window you just carefully arranged, boss?!
Nothing! I am finished arranging!