Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Not sure about Mexico, India and South Africa, but in Brazil many owners of Ford cars with the Zetec-Rocam engine say replacing the thermostatic valve by one with an aluminium housing instead of plastic improves cooling noticeably.
That could be.
On the other hand, there are also those cases of those who a couple people have an overheating problem and then everyone starts making their own conclusions. After a while there are ideas everywhere, many of which are complete myths.
Take the aircooled VW's for an example. There were those who'd remove the thermostat as soon as they bought a VW and there were those that swore the thermostat system actually helped cool the engine even better by directing the air towards the heads.
In my expeperience, with a mostly stock system I was climbing up long steep mountain passes on hot summer days and never broke 350°F head temps nor 210°F oil temps in the 1600cc VW Super Beetle.