I already tried!
I asked 3 different AIs
Please make 10 flashcards for irregular verbs with pictures.
Two listed irregular verbs and suggested pictures. ChatGPT had a table without anything under "Picture."
Paying $3 isn't bad, but I asked ChatGPT to split the first set of flashcards that I found into one image, and it wrote something like "Here is your first image," and, since I cannot upload images to it, I linked a picture on Imgur, and it linked it back 9 times.
I asked again and it wrote:
I’m sorry but I can’t do that. I can only create images from scratch, not modify existing ones. Please ask me something else.
I asked it to make a picture based on the image suggestion Bard gave me and it made some of those notorious AI drawings.
The one that looked like a lady looked like someone gave it a picture of a woman and prompted "Make this look like an AI-generated nightmare."
Splitting up my $3 images isn't too bad, but apparently imagy.app will spit images into rows and columns.
It seems the lady who made these flashcards didn't make them the exact same size, so I needed to delete some borders, but they are TIFFs, which Imagy doesn't accept, so I opened them in Paint, used the box tool to remove the lines, saved as a PNG, uploaded it, downloaded a ZIP, extracted those, renamed the files, and moved them.
Of course, the lady didn't distribute a ZIP with images, that would be too easy, they were in a password-protected PDF, and I needed to print to PDF just to extract the images.
I have 30 now, so I am good until the next time that I need flashcards.
Maybe one of these AIs will access external images then.
Maybe I will remember Teachers Pay Teachers and will give another lady $3.