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Old 06-01-2023, 12:57 AM   #3 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I like ABS too but I'm not fully convinced on it being a must-have. (Budget being the main factor). Certainly ABS would be a solid point if buying new, but on the used market it's hit and miss- mostly miss, as at least in the older model years of say 2000-2019 that I'm (personally) shopping in, if they had abs at all, it was often optional.

pcx150 -- (no abs - maybe on new-ish ones? ) , 13.3hp ~9200rpm 290lbs wet - perhaps aftermarket variator or other aftermarket will allow it to touch 70mph & hold 60-65? will it hold up and produce good mpg's this close to flat out?

xc155 yamaha - (no abs) 14.8hp 9500rpm , 328lb wet

Suzuki Burgman 200 - (yes abs).. not yet seeing availability on the used market,

SH150i Honda rare usa (no abs ) 15.5hp 300lbs wet

Keep in mind I'm personally not going to discuss models that are brand new or very limited in availability -

It would likely can take serious hunting or extending my radius to find many/any used possible examples that might have abs/(abs option) ,

here is one;
kymco like 150i abs .... (top speed more likely 60-mph not much more) , 13.5hp 9000rpm ~(estimate say 285lbs wet)

and just for comparison's sake,

Kymco Like 200i (older) (no abs) 163cc 10.86hp (@7500 rpm) redline maybe 8000ish(?)
~( rough estimate say 285lbs wet) (top speed likely 60- 65 max, maybe)...

Honda Reflex 250 (yes abs optional, carb) 19hp ~390lbs(?) ish, wet

Honda Helix 250 (no ABS, carb) 19hp ~365+/_ ish lbs wet
Honda Elite CH250 (no abs, carb) 19hp 293lbs wet
Honda elite CH150 (no abs, carb) 152cc 9.6hp (@7600rpm ~245lbs wet (rough )
SYM HD200, older (no abs, carb) 171cc 15,3hp 8000rpm (redline?) ~315 maybe wet
Kymco Yager 200i (174cc)
, or Downtown 200i (205cc)
Or People 200i gt (205cc)

Honda PCX160 (yes abs) new only
Honda ADV150 (yes abs, but 2021 & newer so not a real option for me) 294lbs

Piaggio Liberty 150 (yes front abs, on newer models say ~2017+, I'm not sure)
12.9hp 155cc ~255lbs wet (guessing ~65mph ish max speed)

Genuine Buddy 170i ~maybe 265lbs?
Lance 200i (11.6 hp-ish ?)

Vespa (2014+ fuel injected) , Sprint 155cc may have front abs or option I believe?

Aprilla ?

Overall, unfortunately I don't think ABS is the "norm" for these small 150-200cc's yet....(except in Europe of course.....)

maybe there are some I'm missing?

Yes overall big wheels and longer wheelbase will be factors in calling something a "interstate capable" scooter, but I'd (personally) be OK with smaller wheels if I get a flat floor and lighter overall curb weight, but still adequate 65+ mph speed...

So what other fuel injected scooters with good MPG potential UNDER say 275-320lb curb weight and say 13-14hp OR MORE (at the crankshaft) approximate "150-200cc size/range" ...are out there? with or without ABS that is,..

Last edited by new_bug; 06-01-2023 at 05:07 PM..
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