Originally Posted by freebeard
I'll hold my answer to 'a disincentive to productive output', for the purposes of constraining it to an objective statement of fact.
I once got a ticket in Washington for improper lane travel. Was with my friends listening to music on an absolutely desolate I-5 returning home, and steering to the beat of the music. Cop spotted me a mile away and issued the ticket.
Figured I was never visiting Washington again, so I ignored the ticket. Oregon suspended my license. My conception of federalism was not very informed at the time.
The CA law seems to give folks with above average means an extra incentive to exit sooner rather than later. Bunch of geniuses there running the dog and pony show. People seem willing to pay a premium for "good weather" though. I'd rather have 4 seasons, my own money in my own pocketbook, and no poop on the streets I pay for.