I'd still love to figure out the closest possible SCOOTER to, for example the sym wolf 150cc motorcycle (150cc cg150 honda type, 14.7hp, 60-65mph , carb, 266lbs & mediocre fuel economy)
The super cub 125 (240lbs 9hp?) - is obviously a performer and looks much better than a grom for example.
I think I'd be happy with the kymco like 150i or the honda pcx150/adv150.. Will report back when I buy one! I've all but ruled out the sym hd200 (carb'd), and a few others from that 2000's era, as old technology.
If anyone reading this ever comes along and has any other scooter suggestions , I'd love to take a serious look at ANY other model/brand "lightweight" 150-225cc or "good power to weight" 125-250cc scooters
*that can hold 55-60mph , ....thanks in advance!