Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?
https://www.reddit.com › r › InsightfulQuestions › comments › kgk4rr › do_you_think_its_true_that_90_of_everything_is
Do you think it's true that "90% of everything is crap"? AKA ... - Reddit
Sturgeon's law (or Sturgeon's revelation) is an adage that states that "ninety percent of everything is crap." The reason I think it's so interesting is because it ties in with the Pareto Principle, which is claims that: for many outcomes roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes (the "vital few").
Sturgeon the Revelator.
This whole Excluded Middle thing bothers me. No room for nuance -- "yer either wit us or again' us". It's been said that sometimes people can't tell good news from bad.
AI is doing wonders for 3D printed shelf brackes.