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Old 09-02-2023, 02:28 PM   #55 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
study after study shows that identical resumes with traditionally male and white names get more call-backs than resumes with female or traditionally minority names
I guess some Japanese name such as Hideo qualifies as a traditionally minority name. Despite it having been much usual for Japanese-Brazilian parents to give both a Western and a traditional Japanese name to their kids, it's worth noticing the Japanese diaspora overcame a lot of discrimination which was even worse than what black slaves endured, and in a much more recent timeframe. So that minority issue may have different perspectives to evaluate. Not to mention the free black immigrants who came in recent years to Brazil from Haiti and Senegal, who tend to adjust quite easy to life in Brazil and even get along with people of other races better than some mulattoes (full-blooded blacks here are few) who were already born in Brazil.
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