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Old 10-11-2023, 08:09 PM   #160 (permalink)
Not Doug
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I survived another 6 weeks of grad school! I'm surprised, too! :D

I started observing at an elementary school on September 16th, my supervisor talked about me observing for at least a week, but he had me work with kids my first Friday.

My fourth day with kids was a parent day where we couldn't pull kids, but we spent an hour with pre-school, and I did an hour of assessment before the parent day started, which was my third, and then I spent over an hour trying to score assessments.

So, before most of my classmates started working with kids, I already had 11 hours, but I don't go in on Thursdays, when my supervisor is at another school, and he said that they discourage visitors.

My supervisor had last Friday off, this week is fall break, and Monday is in-service, so I basically have two weeks off.

Of course, I don't seem to be able to accomplish anything, but I spent several hours cleaning, mostly the kitchen and living room, where I spend extremely little of my time, but Mom and my brother spend all day.

I was supposed to submit all of our simulations to a site called Calipso, but I never got around to it.

I tried to look up directions and MUMU had some, but it said to upload dozens of documents and certificates of training that I don't necessarily recognize.

I was supposed to submit my first week's hours on Sunday or Monday, so I figured out my schedule and submitted one day's worth.

I need to figure out the other three days, but I asked my supervisor how late he wants me to stay on Fridays, and he hasn't responded.

I need to finish scoring those assessments, too, but I don't think that I can log 5-10 hours just because I am slow.

For some reason, I have been planning on driving to Show Low with Miss Hiker on Friday the 13th.

Hopefully I can resume working on the 2002 Civic!

I came back here today because our professor showed us two videos for radiologists about stroke and the damage it does.

I didn't understand anything!

I just realized that my progress reports were due last night.


Eyeglass World was supposed to have good prices for bifocals, because I am that old now.

Over the phone it was supposed to add up to $480, while I spent $400 just replacing the lenses in my bendable titanium frames, but in-person it totaled $745.

Someone recommended America's Best, but they would have charged several hundred, too.

I used $39 glasses before, but they wanted five or six hundred.

Zenni is supposed to ship them for $251 with all of the options, but I didn't look for bendable titanium with any of these companies.

I always hear that they are still available, just not as good.

Infuriatingly, my laptop screen is blurry right now.

I keep moving my phone further away than I normally want and everything focuses, but if I move it further away, it just gets blurrier.

I swear that a year ago I could read close-up just fine and it seems like my near vision is continually deteriorating.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4

Last edited by Xist; 10-11-2023 at 08:18 PM..
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