Originally Posted by Piotrsko
How about comparing prices to labor hours?
Rough napkin calcs say you are paying more or less equivalent prices and taxes there in labor hours, adjusting for currencies, only I suspect the quality would be better judging by my Spain trip last week.
When the whole country is a scenic paradise, a view house is common unlike USA
If I understand the question correctly, prices are lower and labor (when paying for services) are higher. Presumably this is because there aren't as many overheads.
Minimum wage is $22.70NZ and many places start at $26NZ (around $16US), because it's what's classified as a "living wage" and it's good PR to offer that wage. At the current exchange rate that's a hair under $33,000US at 40hr/week. A 37.5 hour work week is common for FTE. There's also little incentive for people not to work part time, other than for more pay, because the benefits and such apply equally to someone working 1 hour per week as to someone working 40, or 60.
You're also right, in that it's hard to find a place that doesn't have a view. Mine is perhaps above average, but not exceptional. Attached is a pic of the view from a bedroom, yesterday afternoon.