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Old 12-01-2023, 11:19 AM   #69 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by j-c-c View Post
I have fine-tuned/upgraded my RV electrical design. I will use a 31 AGM dual purpose battery for mainly starting, and have 100Ah Li battery and 12V inverter for small essentials, both charged by a Dual circuit DC-DC 50A solar powered battery charger by Renogy, which can accept the RV engine driven alternator to charge both batteries independently, and the AGM can supplement the LI battery at preset voltages thru the charger, all the while also hooked to a 100W solar panel. This gives a bit of redundancy and convenience in keeping everything charged up, at a reasonable cost

The main RV system will remain a separate 2800W solar powered, and those batteries are going to be what budget allows.
I have 3 small systems running Renogy charge controllers with no problems so far. The campervan has been running for 7 years now.

To bad they dont make a 48v version of that dual DC - DC. To charge my 48v house batteries from the alternator Im going to have to go through a 12v DC to 120v AC inverter. (Which I already have so i might as well use)

I bought the rest of my Renogy components during their 1/2 off Black Friday sale last week
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