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Old 12-04-2023, 11:28 PM   #79 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Blew my fence over again. Doubt the neighbor will prop it up even though they're the one with the dog.

I've been discussing replacing it and going 50/50 on the cost, so they put in a new front deck.
Pretty common here in Oregon. Im amazed people don’t build fences better here and just buy 8 foot 4x4s and put 2 foot in the ground, 6 feet above and then are surprised when the fence blows over when the ground is saturated in winter. Growing up in Michigan it was 50/50. 6 feet in the ground to get below the frost line and 6 feet above. Never had a fence blow over and the fence my dad and I built when I was 10 is still standing

We have now replaced all 3 fences we share with Neighbors. I insisted we spend the tiny amount extra to go 4 feet down in the ground and made sure the concrete was above ground level and rounded so water would run off instead of pool and rot out the fence posts. We did a fence party - 4 neighbors went in together and purchased in bulk. Had a contractor do the upright and we did the rest ourselves over a weekend.
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