I bought a Honda Helix. It is getting 65 mpg on a pretty consistant basis. I have also been riding motorcycles for 40+ years. I honestly believe that a bike rider who has been riding for many years has much more of a finely tuned awareness of road conditions and hazards, and the traffic around him. Many times as a passenger in a car I will spot something happening 4 cars ahead (looking thru windshields of the cars ahead) and as I say "Hey, watch out" I see brake lights, see smoke, or watch an accident happen. The driver is usually unaware that anything is happening beyond the bumper of the car ahead of us.
The Helix is fun but I prefer more power. Its purpose is to be available if gasoline hits $12 a gallon due to some catastrophic emergency. Who knows... I have 4 Honda CBX 6 cylinder bikes and an OldWing 1100. My bones can't take the cold and rain much any more so I keep the 3 Metro convertibles running and use 2 of them a lot. My son has the 3rd one. I will put the Helix up for the winter soon. The price was right so it will stay here in a corner of the shop on the float charger.